06 August 2008

And *then* it dawned on me.

You know how they say "You can't take it with you?". Between a post on a message board that I frequent of a mother who lost her baby, and the GMA interview with Steven C. Chapman about the loss of his precious daughter, 5yo Maria, I was hit with something.

SO WHAT if the bathroom needs cleaned?

SO WHAT if I haven't decided what's for dinner?

SO WHAT if my weight isn't what I'd like it to be?

Focused on being a good housekeeper and a good friend and a good what-have-you, my boys are growing up. And I'm missing it by not being focused on THEM.

I've been the one behind the camera for the past 10 years. And then this weekend, I realized that at this point, if I were to die, those who are planning my funeral would have to use an outdated picture of me. And FORGET pics with the boys. Those don't exist. At least not until this past weekend.

Is it important that the bathroom be cleaned? Sure.

Do I need to decide what's for dinner? Absolutely.

Do I need to be so focused on the unimportant things that the people that matter most to me go unattended?
No way.

From this day forward, unless it matters 100% to my life as a wife and mother, I'm out.
And the bathroom will still get cleaned.

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