14 December 2010

when life gives you sick days

Sunday morning we awoke to several inches of new snow and quite a bit of blowing and drifting. We'd decided late Saturday that we weren't going to even attempt the hour drive to church, especially with it being my weekend to work.

Good thing we got a call that services were cancelled; that lessened the guilt.

So Sunday morning, Jon broke out the snowblower for the first time of the season, Caleb played out in the snow, Matthew played his trumpet at random times and I watched a little football.

Don't ask me to talk about how the game turned out. Madness.

About two o'clock, I thought that maybe I should check my messages to see if just maybe work had decided that I need not come in for the 3p-8p shift.

No such luck.

But I did find a message from Carrie, taking me up on the offer to watch Justin in the morning the next day so that she could take Kyle in for his 2 week checkup. I called Carrie back and told her that of course I'd drive out and watch Justin and that I'd see her around 8:15.

(I haven't gotten any pictures of the new baby, but I will. Darn camera batteries were completely dead last week when I visited...)

Imagine my surprise when I am paged at work for a phone call shortly before 5pm. It's Jon, letting me know that I might wanna call Carrie immediately and see if she had a backup plan; Caleb's just gotten sick and he cleaned up a mess to prove it.


I call Carrie and of course, her being her, she says it's fine, that she needs to figure out how to juggle both boys eventually anyway and to not worry about it. I still felt terrible for having to cancel. And sad that I wasn't going to have the extra time with Justin. Sad.

So, long story short (sorry) neither Caleb or I got much sleep Sunday night. And, of course, I called the school first thing yesterday morning to inform them of Caleb's absence.

Matthew left for the bus at 9:15 since there was a 2 hr. start delay due to severe windchill. And Caleb drove me crazy from that moment on.

"Mama, can I have some 7up?"

"Mama, can I have some crackers?"

"Mama, can I watch a movie?"

"Mama, where's Dina?" (the cat)

That child has a tendency to talk non-stop. I have no idea where he gets that.

Once he spent about an hour playing computer games with no more measurable symptoms, I went to take a nap. And he was none too keen about sleeping in his own room last night, but I needed to sleep in my own bed. And he did just fine; was bouncing into bed last night, out of bed this morning and went back to school. Whew.

Matthew did inform me that his band director has the flu and is still at school, so he may be next.

I just love this time of year.

1 comment:

Esther said...

I don't think C gets his talkativeness from Jon.... ;-)