13 July 2009

"I don't have time!"

****Don't forget Comments For Cans this week!!****

Have you ever said that? I have. To my husband, my kids, my co-workers; it seems that there are never enough hours in the day.

This morning in church, Pastor Bill told the story of a little boy who wanted to buy time with his dad. It made me very teary. It made me wonder if my boys had ever felt that way. I pray they haven't and never do.

Then he pointed out that isn't it a great thing that our Heavenly Father isn't too busy for us. That when we go to Him in prayer He doesn't say, "Come back later, I don't have time."

He desires relationship with us if we call ourselves His children. He beckons us to make time for Him, and He has all the time in the world for us!

That is a great thing!

Originally published 10/19/2008


Esther said...

That's why I think it's so important to be in worship every week--making that time to be with God and in the Word. Great post!

Missy said...

I'm always saying I don't have enough time. Sadly, I often don't get time to spend with the Lord like I want to.

I have heard that story about the boy trying to buy time with his father. =(